PowerGuide® As one of the world’s most popular ADSS cables, PowerGuide’s exceptional field reliability and long-span capability (up to 3,281 feet/1000 meters or more) make it today’s prime cabling solution for demanding, high-performance aerial applications, including power transmission and distribution networks.
PowerGuide ShortSpan Among the most compact ADSS cables available today, PowerGuide ShortSpan combines ease of handling with outstanding performance and reliability to offer an ideal, cost-effective solution for short spans ranging up to 760 feet (231 meters), including distribution networks and duct installations.
PowerGuide AccuTube With one of the highest fiber counts of any ADSS cable in the world, PowerGuide AccuTube delivers increased carrying capacity and easy mass fusion splicing to meet the demands of today’s high-growth, high-bandwidth networks.
AT - S1 S2 SF S3 S4 S5 S6 - XXX
S1 – Select Fiber Transmission Performance
- 3 = 1310/1550 nm (AllWave Matched Clad Singlemode)
- 6 = 1550 nm (TrueWave® RS Singlemode)
- R = 850/1300 nm (Multimode) (not available for PowerGuide AccuTube)
S2 – Select Maximum Fiber Attenuation
- B = 0.35/0.25 dB/km (1310/1550 nm AllWave)
- (not available for PowerGuide AccuTube)
- 4 = 0.40/0.30 dB/km (1310/1550 nm AllWave)
- 2 = 0.25 dB/km (TrueWave RS Singlemode)
- U = 3.4/1.0 dB/km and 200/500 MHz-km (850/1300 nm) 62.5 µm Multimode
- (not available for PowerGuide AccuTube)
- K = 2.5/0.7 dB/km and 500/500 MHz-km (50um Multimode)
SF – Select Fiber Type
- E = AllWave Matched Clad Singlemode
- 6 = TrueWave® RS Nonzero-Dispersion Singlemode
- 9 = 62.5/125µm Multimode (not available for PowerGuide AccuTube)
- 2 = 50/125 um Multimode
S3 – Select Sheath Construction
- 2 = PowerGuide, PowerGuide TR, PowerGuide AccuTube
- 1 = PowerGuide ShortSpan
S4 – Select Tensile Load
- 7 = PowerGuide, PowerGuide TR, PowerGuide ShortSpan, PowerGuide AccuTube
S5 – Select Core Type
- D = DryBlock™ (ShortSpan design available only in DryBlock)
- A = Loose Tube Ribbon DryBlock (available in AccuTube design only)
- L = Flooded
S6 – Select Fibers Per Tube
- 2 = 2 fibers
- 4 = 4 fibers
- 6 = 6 fibers
- 8 = 8 fibers
- N = 10 fibers
XXX– Fiber Count